Surprise Marriage Proposal On The Beach Winter Concept VIP Package

Intimate, warm atmosphere on the beach, romantic hours around the beach fire and surprise marriage proposal among the sounds of the waves. You will win your love's heart the sea, beach, beach fire and romantic music accompanied by a cocktail served. With professional photography and professional camera shots in the marriage proposal organization on the beach, all these moments will turn into memorable memories for years.

Package Contents:

- The sea, the beach, the stars and you in Kilyos; we reserve the beach for you.

- A glittering pathway from torches, lanterns and wildflowers on the shore of the sea

- A huge heart from the lanterns, candles and torches that enclose you and the beach fire

- Red seat puffs that fits the concept - Cocktail service and unlimited soft drinks

- A waiter special for you throughout the night

- Sound system special to you, music selection and the opportunity to listen to the music you want -Heart-shaped nested boxes and realization of the marriage proposal

- Blowing up of 6 volcano at the moment of the proposal -1 bouquet of roses

- Professional photography shoot

For further information on Surprise Marriage Proposal On The Beach Winter Concept VIP Package, please contact us at +905308160286 and +905302854825 . Or fill in the form below and leave a message to us:

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