İzmir What Did I Intend, What Did I Get Package?

Women start dreaming about their future from the moment they find the man of their lives. Even before receiving the proposal, the smallest details are planned, including wedding dresses, wedding plans, gifts to be given in promise to marry ceremony. Coffee with friends and upturned cups in between them support these rose tinted dreams. It's up to you, to make your partner who thinks about what kind of proposal she'd get, live beyond her dreams.

Let's think about it; You walked out of a cafe or a restaurant. While walking on the beach enjoying the life, a florist, who suddenly appears gives a rose to your partner and tells her that she wants to read her palm. With the tips you gave her, she shocks your partner and walks away. Then a bunny fortune teller invites you to draw a fortune. After petting the cute rabbit, she again makes the rabbit draw 3 previously determined fortunes in a row. With the last writing read explaining the event in the last fortune, your proposal song begins to play and this astonishment turns into a great happiness. An unforgettable proposal is realized with the accompaniment of volcanoes and rose petals.

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