Surprise Wedding Proposal Packages

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Laser Light Marriage Proposal

Our team was ready for Mr. Burak and Ms. Hanife. A nice table was prepared on the yacht.  After a nice dinner accompanied by romantic music, a wonderful surprise was waiting for Ms. Hanife on the front deck of the yacht. Mr. Burak declared his love for Ms. Hanife with his surprise marriage proposal by laser light. We wish our couple a lifetime of happiness.

Surprise Marriage Proposal with Banner

Mr. İlkay also wanted to have his friends at his surprise proposal to Ms. Selin. Ms. Selin, who was surprised by the banner opened to her at a time when he was not expecting at the entrance of the cafe where she was hanging with friends, was the luckiest of the night with the marriage proposal that came with flying balloons and heart boxes. Mr. İlkay chose Suada restaurants, the pearl of the Bosphorus, for a private romantic dinner after the proposal. We wish our couple a lifetime of happiness.

Surprise Marriage Proposal on the Beach

If you are one of those who say there is no definite place and time for romance and want a romantic marriage proposal around the beach fire in winter, we are at your service.

Surprise Marriage Proposal

If you want the marriage proposal to take place at a time you never expect, of course, Land of Surprises. When they left the cafe where Mr. İlkay came with his friends, Ms. Selin was really surprised by the sudden opening of the banner.  Ms. Selin responded with an enthusiastic Yes to the question Will you marry me? at the end of flying balloons and romantic words. Our couple then continued the night with a romantic dinner in Suada. We wish our couple a lifelong happiness.

Surprise Marriage Proposal In Nature

After a nice dinner by the fireplace, Mr. Barış proposed to Ms. Deniz with heart-shaped boxes following the surprises. Receiving marriage proposal in our romantic place made Ms. Deniz very happy In our romantic place, which is fully covered with glass, with its special decoration and serenity. And we witnessed this happiness. We wish our couple a lifetime of happiness.

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