Surprise Wedding Proposal Packages

Our Services

Yacht Scheherazade

When chartering a yacht, it is completely up to you to choose an organization with or without dinner. When such details are concerned, you will not have to constrain yourself or adapt to specific patterns. It is possible to fully meet all of your demands with customized solutions rather than standard, non-flexible packages. A creative and helpful team with professional service understanding will make things easier for you than you anticipate. In this way you can fulfill all your dreams.

Our yacht Scheherazade, is 24 meters long. Our yacht can host 60 people for dinner in restaurant layout. With cocktail service, passenger capacity can reach up to 80 people.

For further information on Yacht Scheherazade, please contact us at +905308160286 and +905302854825 . Or fill in the form below and leave a message to us:

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